Max Igan Has It Right, Getting Israeli People Out Of American Government

By: James Allen Homyak 


Knowing that you too are concerned about the problems and challenges faced by most Americans, I encourage you to do like I've done. That is to turn your focus toward researchers, authors and lecturers from other countries. Why? Because you've got too many filters blocking your access to the truth; blocked by American mainstream media. Foreign people who travel to witness atrocities first hand will be far more likely to bring truth rather than fiction. 

One such researcher is Max Igan. Here is his official bitchute channel:

Quoting Max Igan:

Found in the recent Stew Peter's documentary titled, Occupied by Stew Peters, a world traveler and geopolitical researcher, Max Igan, has called our attention to a number of facts, beginning at the 54:19 timestamp in this Occupied video, "You need to get all of these Israeli dual-citizens out of government in all countries; get them out of American government." (55:32)

I won't go any further in calling your attention to these tragic events which are predicted to unfold over America.

It truly has become an unruly state of affairs to allow such people to continue in corrupting all institutions of government. Why is this? 

How about we encourage you to help in figuring out the symptoms,  problems and solutions? 

I highly encourage you to watch Occupied...  noting it is sensitive content that is not intended for viewers under 18 years of age. I also encourage you to watch Max Igan videos. 

America is supposed to be for Americans. These statements above are not my personal endorsement of Max Igan. However, your awareness of these topics and these facts are valuable to me.



James Allen